Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Hello! An introduction is in order. I decided to start up this blog for a few reasons. I am a 43 year old mother of three daughters - an 8 year old, and 7 year old twins. I find the four of us challenged by our emotions on a daily basis, and I wanted a way to track how I attempt to cope with each of my daughters' ups and downs, what works, what doesn't, and also hopefully get some feedback from readers who may have been there/done that already. I guess I am hoping that by being faithful to the blog, I will force myself to be more consistent with how I deal with my kids, and myself as well.

I don't know if everyone's daughters already have mood swings at the tender ages of 7 and 8, but I am thinking that I had better get some serious coping strategies developed pronto, or their preteen/teen years and my menopausal years are going to be hell!!

That being said, it is important to note that each of my girls are very individual and very unique from their sisters. They each bring something different to our family, and they each definitely have their own way of relating to the world. So when writing this blog, I am hoping to spend time talking about each of my daughters, and the different challenges that I face with each of them. Bear with me - I'm just finding my way everyday! I am definitely not always right, but my intentions are good....so I will welcome constructive criticism and discussion with open arms!!

Okay, enough said for now. More details to follow.


  1. :)by the way, commenting is as simple as leaving your name...that's it! Just select name. You don't need an url or anything else.

  2. Hey Lisa,

    I have really enjoyed reading your posts. Fashion is important to most girls. Kids grow up so quickly these days so 7 is the new 13, unfortunately. Kids are bombarded with media images that they feel they have to emulate. Peer pressure is huge. Nice clothes make you feel good and in school help you fit in, sad but true. As for the gloomy weather effecting everyone's moods...I see it every day. A lot of people just seem to be offhand when it rains. You think we'd be used to it living on the "Wet Coast" All you can do is take vitamin D and avoid the grouches hahaha. Cheers Beth :P
