Thursday, July 21, 2011


Good grief, we are well into summer vacation, and it doesn't feel like summer yet, other than the fact I am with my children 24/7 and that definitely makes mommy more than a little stir crazy at times. I had super intentions of "journaling" here daily, in order to get the girls to keep up with summer journals of their own. Well, the girls have been far more faithful than I have. So rather than try to back track and recall every detail of our summer thus far, I will sum up. Sun came out, bought a pool. Played in the pool for a week, then the sun went away and the rain and clouds arrived. Covered the pool up. Only creatures interested in the pool are the raccoons. Devised highly technical plans to keep raccoons away from the pool. This involved sitting up on the deck late into the evening, fortified with wine, covered in bug spray, huddled by the propane heater with a bucket of wet rocks to fling into the wilderness beyond the garage. Was advised to also try stringing empty cans around the pool, but couldn't quite figure out how to do that, so just rattled the plastic bag full of empties now and then in between flinging rocks. Not sure if my plan is responsible, but so far the pool has remained intact and raccoon free. Have channelled my pool obsession to the local outdoor pool as of this week. Was certain that by now the sun would have returned and had visions of spending lazy mornings basking in the heat poolside while the girls took swimming lessons. In reality have found myself hauling several sets of umbrellas, sweaters, lawn chairs and sleeping bags to the pool each day, where we sit damp and chilled, scanning the sky desperately for a break in the clouds, while the steam drifts off the top of the pool, which is apparently the warmest place to be, and where unfortunately I am not.
The weather network taunts me with each extended forecast promising sunshine, only to change by the next day and be postponed just a few more days down the road. Oh, don't get me wrong, we're still out and about, finding things to do, sleeping in etc. But what I am pining for is that put on your bathing suit as soon as you get up, have your coffee on the deck which is already warm under your bare feet, run through the sprinkler, go get a slurpee, smell of the barbecue, taste of fresh salty,buttery corn kind of summer action. You know, where you jump in the pool and then lie down on your towel without drying off because you are going to get to indulge in that awesome sensation of the water evaporating off your body in the heat as you lie there.
Anyway. One more week of July, which doesn't look too special according to the weather channel, so I will focus my summer hopes on August I guess. If I sound glum, I guess I am. Tempers are short around the house, I am not sleeping well, and neither is Kate. Maybe we are both doing some cloudbusting in our sleep. Perhaps today when we get back from the pool I will say to hell with the crappy weather, slather some coconut sunscreen on all of us, crank up some Bob Marley, and hand out some freezies. Inside of course. Meanwhile it is time to go load up the van with rain gear, blankets, umbrellas and heat up some coffee to go.

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