Wednesday, May 18, 2011

audition update...

So Monday came and there were too many acts to get through in one day, so Elizabeth's groups audition has been pushed back to Thursday this week. She has been following the results from the rest of the auditions, and it sounds like they have their work cut out for them! I was kind of thinking that unless someone showed up with something really goofy that all the kids would make the cut for the talent show, but apparently I am quite wrong. Elizabeth has reported that on the first day all the acts that tried out were sent packing, and none of them made it in, due to a lack of "polish". Now I am actually a little concerned for her, one wrong giggle and they might just blow it! However, she seems totally undaunted, just a little bit nervous now she says. So tomorrow is the big day, I am dying to find out how they do! I will keep you posted...

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