Sunday, May 15, 2011


So a couple of weeks ago my oldest daughter Elizabeth - aged 8 going on 19, I mean 9 - announces that there is going to be a talent show at school and auditions are in two weeks. I casually ask if she plans to try out and she immediately answers "yes". So I say, oh that's nice, good for you, what are you planning to do? And she looks at me like I'm definitely somewhat dense and says, I'm going to sing, Mom. Right, of course. So I say supportively, great, what will you be singing? And she answers right back, oh you know that song we learned in choir, hey soul sister? Definitely that one. And off she goes, singing away to herself, leaving me in something of a state of wonder. I mean, where does she get such matter of fact confidence like that? So sure of herself, absolutely no question that she would try out for the show in her mind. I am feeling dazed and amazed. I did my share - okay, more than my fair share - of performing in school, but I'm not sure I ever had that sense of confidence that she exudes. And not even in a cocky way, just very matter of fact. Anyway. She comes home a couple days later and tells me that she has decided to sing the song with two of her friends, also from choir, and is wondering if they can have some practices here at our house before the auditions? Because the teachers in charge have issued a notice to all those interested in participating that the acts must be POLISHED. So I consult the calendar (the one that contains everything from my life that I must remember and would otherwise forget if I didn't keep it posted on the wall right in front of me at all times) and tell her sure, and together we figure out a couple days when her friends can come over to rehearse.
So I find myself in a house with seven kids that week, as the girls came on days when I also had my nieces over. The older girls shut themselves in the bedroom, much to the great disappointment of the younger kids, especially the twins, who are not used to having Elizabeth pull that big sister card on them yet, and practice began. Amidst a lot of giggling they did manage to get out at least a few earnest renditions of the song. Okay, I know this because yes, I was totally evesdropping, but come on! They were so cute. Did I mention that one of the cutest things is that the three of them could not look less alike - E with her blonde hair and blue eyes, and then her friends, one is Asian, and the other is from India? And they are singing a song to each other called Soul Sister?
Anyway, I don't know how seriously the other girls are taking the whole thing - they seemed more interested in playing the fort and climbing in the trees out back - but I know Elizabeth is dead keen. Because the other morning I discovered a post it note beside her bed, with the words "Talent show aditshuns Monday May 16"  written on it. And that would be tomorrow, so we'll see how that goes! I tell myself, they are just in grade 3 after all, and apparently they are the only singing act that has signed up to try out. Which leaves me wondering what on earth all the other kids will be doing....

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