Thursday, May 26, 2011

still auditioning

Hmmmm, this talent show is shaping up to be quite the contest. Unbeknownst to Elizabeth (or perhaps beknownst but forgotten) she had to audition yet again on Tuesday for the impending talent show. Apparently several groups were called back to re-audition. I asked her what the judges told them and she said that they said they did "much better than last time", which is interesting since I'm pretty sure she told me they said "thank you, that's good." Maybe as in okay, we've heard enough! Anyway, I honestly didn't expect this to be such a serious event. I am starting to feel badly for these kids, I mean come on, they have the gumption to get up and give performing a shot, and these teachers are shooting them down, telling them they are not "polished" enough? I'm trying to keep an open mind, but I am starting to wonder what they are actually expecting. Perhaps they have been watching too many episodes of American Idol, or Dancing With The Stars. We're talking about kids in grade 3 to grade 7 here, who feel they have a talent worthy of sharing with the rest of us. Unless they are performing something that's inappropriate for the general rated G viewing audience, it seems to me they should be allowed to enter. Isn't that how talent shows work? You enter, and then we the audience get to decide who we think is the winner? Oh, I forgot, these days EVERYONE'S a winner, there are no losers. At least that's how it works on Fun day, known to those of my generation as Sports Day. No wonder the kids are getting confused over this talent show business. The rules have been switched on them before they even get a chance to start the race!
Anyway, I think most parents would be pleased to have the opportunity to go and watch their kids perform, no matter how great or awful they actually are. It's about the willingness to get up there and TRY that we care about, and for most of us, that's all that matters. That's what I'm proud of Elizabeth for at any rate. Not to mention that I suspect that anything the kids choose to attempt will be highly entertaining in some way or another, whether it's in the way they intend for it to entertain us or not.
So I really really hope that in the end they all get their chance to try. I think I am more anxious now about the whole thing than Elizabeth is. At any rate, I will continue to keep you posted!!

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