Friday, May 27, 2011

we've got talent

Okay, apparently we do have talent in the family! Elizabeth finally got the news yesterday that she made the final cut to get into the talent show. My normally composed child actually ran up and threw her arms around me after school yesterday when I went to pick up the kids, she was that thrilled. Other than knowing she has a scheduled rehearsal on Monday, she still doesn't know when the show will be. I asked her if everyone got in, or if any of the kids were cut, and she seemed to think that only 17 of the 28 original groups who tried out were selected, but then another child told me that she thought that everyone got in, so it's still all a bit of a mystery. However the kids were told to let us parents know that there will some kind of specifics in the school newsletter next week, so I will wait and see. Anyway, after we got home, Elizabeth asked if she could borrow the karaoke machine (which technically belongs to the kids anyway, but I figured that since they couldn't read when it was given to them that we adults would just take care of it for a while) and shortly afterwards the basement was filled with the sounds of her practicing her song for the show. The twins tried to accompany her on the piano for a while, but eventually either got bored or were asked to leave because they both wandered upstairs looking somewhat dejected and in need of something else to do. Who knows? While this could just be a passing phase, inspired by watching American Idol all season to it's finale this week, maybe we are witnessing the birth of a future star....or not. Either way, she's a star to me. Once again I find myself in awe of her confidence in herself. Does she get the things she wants in life because she is confident that she will? Or is sure of herself because she gets the things she wants? Probably a bit of both I guess. So far her complete belief in herself has worked out for her pretty well. As her mom I admit I sometimes worry a little about how she will handle disappointment when it happens. I mean, you can't always win, right? Although she takes the occasional loss in soccer pretty much in stride, I think she still mostly judges a game by her own performance, and if she's happy with that, then the final score doesn't seem to concern her too much. Anyway, I am fascinated by her, and am thoroughly enjoying witnessing her journey through life. If I can help her out along the way, even better. If she'll let me that is!

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