Tuesday, February 15, 2011

don't ask me

I am going to assume that I did the exact same thing as a child, and most likely I still do it today, so maybe it's just a female thing but it's no fun to be on the receiving end of it! I'm talking about when my daughters say things like, do you like this pair of pants, or THIS pair of pants? And I pick one and then they wear the other one. Or, should I wear one pony tail or two? And I say one and they freak out and say but I want two!!!  What the hell? Or should I wear my rain boots today or my runners? And I say better wear your boots, it's pretty muddy out there, and they immediately counter with something like well, it's not that muddy...!!!! I suppose it's the equivalent of the adult female's "do these pants make me look fat?" question that every husband out there must dread. Because it's a no win situation, and now I think I get it when I ask MY husband that sort of question and he looks like a deer in the headlights and disappears really fast from the vicinity, usually citing a sudden emergency that he must see to out in the garage. Just another case of karmic revenge being wreaked upon me I guess. Is there a way to stop the madness, break the cycle? Probably not, it's just another one of those rites of passage that I will just have to suck up and deal with, wahhh.

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