Thursday, February 10, 2011

Getting in on the action

Just when you think you have them figured out, they go and change it all up again! Yesterday I was writing about sibling rivalry, and fighting between my daughters. I mentioned that Emily tends to avoid most confrontations and doesn't get into it as much as the other two - I called her peace loving I think. Well,  so much for that theory! Yesterday after school I had my 2 nieces at our house, and all five girls seemed to be playing just fine, and then I heard some shouting coming from downstairs which sounded oddly like Emily....then more shrieking from all the girls, followed by the girls themselves all trooping upstairs with Em in the lead stomping and yelling and weeping angry tears. It was so unlike her that it just about left me speechless. She yelled that someone had taken over her spot on the couch, and now no one would let her sit down with them, and then went wailing off to her room. Meanwhile one of my nieces arrived at the top of the stairs in tears too, and between her and my other daughters I gathered that Em had gotten angry about losing her spot on the couch to her cousin, and had lost her temper, yelling and - holy crap! - apparently throwing a small stool into an empty corner of room which was what had really freaked the other kids out.
Sigh. So I guess all Em's flying under the radar must have just been building up inside her like steam and she finally blew her top over something fairly trivial. I will have to work with her on expressing herself rather than walking away all the time. In other words, while I am trying to teach my other two daughters to NOT be so confrontational, I will have to teach Emily to be a little more confrontational, to not let things pile up inside her until she just can't take it any more and randomly goes berserk.  Otherwise she may want to consider a future career as a postal worker....

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