Friday, February 4, 2011

Weather vs Mood

Well, it's Friday, and here's my update on the weather vs moods in the house. Weather: a rainy day yesterday, followed by a rainy morning that is now attempting to clear up. Moods: definitely some grumpiness yesterday after school between Em and Kate and their cousin who spends a couple days a week here after school (her sister also is usually here, but she's sick this week). However, not really an unusual scene, at least once a week they seem to have some mini drama that plays out between them all, and I believe it's regardless of the weather, since they do it on nice days playing outside too. This morning Em was weepy and didn't want to go to school, but I never was able to find out exactly why, and she cheered up eventually on her own, so who knows. So my conclusion? While nerves might get a bit frazzly after days of rain, days of sunshine eventually also lead to crankiness, fighting etc too. Meaning I am ruling out weather as a major contributor to moodiness around here. Not that it would have mattered either way, since I can't actually control the weather. Emily says she is going to control the weather when she grows up - that is actually what she aspires to do when you ask her the what are you going to be when you grow up question - so maybe one day I will be able to manipulate moods however briefly via the weather with Em's help. But for now I will have to figure something else out.

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