Saturday, March 12, 2011

Emily day

I try to spend a day with each of my girls on their own, just me and them, whenever I can fit it in. Today was Emily's turn. As with the previous days I had spent with Elizabeth and Kate, it turned out to be a rainy not so nice to be outside day today. Which fit perfectly with our plans. After a late breakfast we got ourselves organized and made our getaway from the rest of the fam. First stop - movie theatre to pick up tickets to Rango. Check. Then with about 45 minutes to spare, we headed next door to Starbucks to grab a latte for me, and a" lemon poppyseed loaf "slice for Em - she has just recently started to really read and it still throws me off when I ask her what she wants and she reads off the signs batta bang  - I'm used to having to interpret. Then off to browse through the attached bookstore, which is doubly fun to visit as I used to manage it and so always someone there to have a social visit with. Or sometimes several someones, I used to be in charge and now I'm just a bad influence! Then off to pick up our popcorn and see the movie. Which was totally hilarious, amazing animation, great story, and of course the wonderful Johnny Depp shining through every minute of the film. The humor was often quick and subtle, perfect for adult and children like Em, who have an inborn comedy meter that helps them just get stuff that their contemporaries might not understand, let alone find funny. Back out into the rain afterwards, and agreed to attempt to go dress shopping for a wedding we are all going to in May for one of my dearest friends. The whole family is invited to the ceremony and reception, the girls first wedding, and they are so excited. Almost as much as me!!! The bride to be has asked her guests to wear spring colors so this is what we are in search of. Now, for a couple of 7 year olds and an 8 year old, this is pretty reasonable. But me? The eternal wearer of black??? It's going to be a challenge I figure. However, the stars must be aligned correctly because in no time Em is ooohhhing and aahhhing over a pretty blue and green sparkly dress. Then she finds one for her sister Elizabeth. Kate is more challenging, we both are fully aware of the fact that Kate likes what she likes, and nothing else. Finally Em finds a pretty rose coloured polka dot dress that we think will be just right. Then off to the ladies section where I see very little other than shades of black...then I spot a dusty red and black print dress, very nice, very fitted in all the right places, could be just the thing. So off to the change room we go, and miracle of miracles, my dress couldn't fit any better, and so does hers. We are almost skipping to the check out. As we exit I figure we have to put the cherry on the top of the perfect cake of a day we have had so far, so I tell Em we have one more stop to make before heading home. A quick car ride later, I walk her through the doors of my favorite local sushi restaurant, and she just about does cartwheels. We sit right up at the sushi bar so we can watch the stoic sushi chef create his beautiful sushi masterpieces. They are things of beauty, and we oohh and ahhhh his progress. Then it's our turn, and he hands us our orders with a wee smile and we dig in, with some hot green tea to wash them down. Em is a sushi lovers delight - she will try anything, and loves literally every kind of sushi we have ever given her. So we each tuck into our rolls and it's pretty obvious that we are both in sushi heaven. Some spicy tuna, chopped scallops, etc later, we head home. What a special day we had - can't wait till we a chance to spend one on one time like that together again!

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