Wednesday, March 23, 2011

spring break day 1

and yes we're off. I am going to attempt to keep up with this on a daily basis, or at least play catch like I am now, so that I can track our spring break progress. Two weeks is a loooonnnggg time to keep the peace around here with no school to structure our days. 1 was Saturday. My husband was off to play in his curling club's men's semi final game - end of the season already. It was wet out, but not actively raining hard, so after everyone was fed and watered, we harnessed up the dog and the girls and I took off for a walk around the neighborhood to blow off some it's spring break so what are we going to do today steam. Got home an hour later and one pair of pants the worse for wear (Kate tripped over a rock and landed on her knees in some mud), we took off to watch the rest of Dad's game. The curling club is in our local rec centre, but recently the club became privately managed and so we now have the luxury of being able to take the kids up to the viewing lounge above the ice, where we can sit in comfort, fireplace crackling, watch the game, visit with the rest of the curling gang, the kids drink hot chocolate and I can enjoy a beer. We used to have to sit down below on a hard bench by ourselves because the liquor law prohibited the kids from being able to sit upstairs with the civilized people. Anyway, that went well, and they won the game, came briefly upstairs to join us before heading back down to start the men's final. We watched for awhile till the natives got too restless, then said our goodbyes and good lucks and went home. A little while later Mike returned home too, triumphant in his win and bearing sushi for dinner, yeah! And a good time was had by all. Really. It was a good night, other than of course being joined by Kate at bedtime - she slept on her little mattress on the floor by my bed that I keep handy for her. So a good start to SB (spring break), and the weather man is calling for sun all week, could it be possible?

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