Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Funny bone

How do we get to be funny? I mean, how come some people just have that natural sense of comedy and pull it off, and some don't? It must be genetic to some degree for sure. All my girls have a sense of humor, but it's Emily who is the true comedienne. Sometimes she is just incidentally funny, like when she rushes into the living room in the evening shrieking look at that look at that!!! and pointing out the windows. (This happened last night by the way) I jumped up to look thinking a big ship must be cruising past on the river - when this happens it literally fills the view from the windows and it's pretty cool to watch) but no, I can't see anything unusual. So I say, what is it Em? and she smiles and says look at that beautiful patch of sky mom, between the clouds, it's such a pretty dark blue...! Which makes me laugh and makes me smile, because that's just such an Emily thing to say. Then there are the other times when she is funny on purpose, like yesterday when I was trying to have a talk with her because she was on the verge of pouting about putting some of her stuff away, and I got all serious and went on with what I was doing, expecting her to start to fuss some more, and I hear her say "mom....." and so I say "yes Em...?" still not looking at her, and then I hear Mr. T's voice say "Don't make me mad!!! Grrrr!!" and Em burst out laughing as she skipped away to clean up her things. (The girls have recently been introduced to the A team and in particular Mr. T and some of his more witty sayings) Or the time she got us all to line up and watch her to some "tricks" on the jungle gym, and at the end she finishes big by flipping upside to hang from the monkey bars, yells "ta da!!" and then her dress falls upside down over her head to reveal that she is totally naked underneath, while she laughs her head off at her joke, and of course we all laugh like crazy too, because it WAS funny, I mean, she was this skinny little 5 year old, and it was so unexpected! Or when we're watching the Oscars, and one of the nominated songs is being seriously belted out and suddenly Em comes sweeping into the room with her arms held out, lip synching like a pro, hamming it up big time, doing a little tap dance at the end. Even when she was a baby, she cracked us all up - she had this great laugh, not what you'd expect to hear coming from a baby, deep and slow, kind of a big HAR HAR HAR laugh and when she got really going it was so infectious, we'd all just get laughing with her. Did she get her first taste then of the power to make people laugh? How do some people just have a knack for making other people laugh? Em definitely sees the humor in everything around her, and I'm sure it's also a way for her to deal with awkward moments, things like that. I think truly funny people are those who have that ability to laugh at themselves, to poke fun of themselves, to not take themselves too seriously. I don't know. Whatever it is, I'm glad Em has it, because it's got to be good thing, right? And it is pretty intoxicating to make other people smile too.  Bottom line, I think she just likes a good laugh herself, and I'm totally with her on that. So laugh on baby!

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