Saturday, March 5, 2011

no such luck

well, this is mostly an update to yesterday's post. When I last wrote, I had just dragged Kate off to school, risking the possibility that she might actually be sick still but I was still willing to give school a shot. By about 10:30 am no one had called yet to tell me that she was actually really sick and that I needed to come pick her up, so I figured I was home free and took off to get some errands done - grocery shop, etc etc that I hadn't been able to do so far this week with Kate home sick.  I was having a lovely mindless browse through the aisles when my cell phone rang, oh CRAP. It turned out to be Mike, my husband, to let me know that the school had called him, oh CRAP. He said they had told him they had tried my cell but it was the wrong number...oh crap. Anyway, he said not to worry, but you DO need to go and pick up Em...EMILY??? Yes, Emily. Not Kate. Because now Emily was throwing up. So I abandoned my shopping and went and picked up Em from school. And in typical fashion, after she gave me a hug and we got going home, she started to laugh and describe in gory detail the substance and colour of her vomit and speculate on what she had eaten that had caused it to look like it had, and so on. She cracks me up, even when she's sick. So I guess that confirms that Kate did have the flu, and now I just have to wait and see if it hits the rest of over the next couple days. I have just one question at this point - when is the cold and flu season going to END already?????

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