Tuesday, March 15, 2011

time change

It's really amazing how one hour can make such a difference. You wouldn't think it could. But everywhere I go, everyone I talk to the past couple of days is commenting on how hard it is to wake up and get going since we set our clocks forward Saturday night. The girls definitely haven't adjusted, and are noticing the change for sure. They can't fall asleep at night, and they can't wake up in the morning. Of course in Kate's case her entire circadian rhythm is out of whack, she just can't sleep at all, until about 6 am, and then of course she is dead to the world an hour or so later when she needs to be getting ready for school. Which means she is in ultra sensitive mode the rest of the day - keeping it together at school so far, but falling apart the moment she gets home, and battling her temper for the rest of evening. Sleep. It's like a miracle drug. Get a good sleep and all seems right with the world, you feel like you're ready for anything, you have ENERGY. Lack of sleep, especially a chronic lack of sleep, well, all your coping skills fly out the window, and life is pretty much a disaster. I'm not really sure I get the whole point of setting our clocks forward, setting them back again. Is it worth messing with our internal body clocks? Really? I'm sure the ancients didn't walk around every spring and fall saying "oh I know the sun dial says 8 o'clock but it's really 7 o'clock, don't forget!" At least as far as I know they didn't. Is it one of those things that we just go along with now, without questioning it's origins? Or it's current value and purpose? All I know is that in my house, everyone is messed up, everyone is tired, at night, no one can fall asleep, and in the morning no one can wake up. I know, I know, we'll adjust. People do. Our body clocks will gradually reset themselves, and we'll get to enjoy a little extra daylight at the end of the day. Which we would regardless, since the days are getting longer at this time of the year anyway - we are already getting more and more sunlight. Hence my questioning the purpose of this clock changing. Oh well. For now that's how it is, and we will all just have to bear with each other until our inner clocks reset themselves and we can get the right amount of precious sleep we need again. Thank god for coffee.

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