Thursday, March 3, 2011

Just sick

Well, I am pretty sure today that Kate is just sick, not worried sick. When we went to pick up one of my nieces at daycare the lady who works there told us that she was sick too, with what sounded exactly like what Kate has had. So yeah, it's just the flu. Obviously the downside to this is that now I have to face the distinct possibility that everyone else in the family is going to come down with it, booo. Guess I can't have it all. I decided to keep Kate home again today as she still doesn't seem herself yet. So my next challenge is how I am going to deal with my meetings with the alarm company and the police today. Because we were robbed the other night, and we are trying to keep the kids from knowing about it so they don't worry. Because of course they would, especially Kate. So it just figures that she's the one home sick today. I know that she's already wondering what's up, she came right out and asked me if we'd been robbed actually. I danced around the question, saying "why would you think that?" and she said she didn't know, and I told her not to worry, that everything was fine. Was that the right thing to say? I know she already has fears of someone coming in to the house and taking her away, or being robbed, so it would seem like confirmation that these scary things really can happen, validate her fears if I tell her the truth. Not to mention the other girls too, they may not verbalize things that worry them as much as Kate, but something like this would surely be upsetting for all of them. At least the theft was of items outside the house, they didn't break into our home, or the workshop or anything. But between hushed discussions between my husband and I, testing the alarms and talking about plans to beef up our alarm system, plus police coming to the house, the girls must suspect something is going on. So what to do? We probably will need to have a talk with them about it somehow, and find a way to do it so that the end result is that they feel safe, not threatened or worried. Crap. Anyway, I would work on that right now, was just informed by my husband that the alarm company people are on their way, so I must divert Kate's attention elsewhere for now, and figure this one out later. I wonder if she would think it odd if I asked her to wear earmuffs for the next half hour or so?

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