Friday, March 18, 2011

luck of the Irish

Yeah, St. Patrick's Day to the rescue!!! After the previous days fairly desperate mood, Thursday went swimmingly. Because it was St. Patrick's day, and I totally underestimated the power of their little or should I say great big imaginations. After spending the day at school apparently talking about nothing other than leprechauns and the mischief they get up to, including having each of their classrooms somewhat ransacked by said leprechauns while they were out at recess - they knew it was leprechauns because of the tiny bits of gold and the tiny sparkly shamrocks that were left scattered about - the kids arrived home to my house totally united in their goal to do just one thing - catch a leprechaun. So all five girls proceeded to spend the next couple hours outside building traps. I had to poke holes in old coffee cans, help dig holes, and scout around for other various items that might prove useful in luring the little men into their clutches. When the rain started to finally come down too hard, they gave their traps one last check and then with systems a go, they came inside. At this point I got a little anxious, thinking that maybe now I might have to deal with breaking up some family feuding, but they were so psyched out by the whole leprechaun thing that they were afraid to go play in the basement playroom where they usually go. Instead, they stayed close by me, and asked if they could all just work on some crafts in their "dressing room", where they could hear me in the kitchen I guess. Normally of course they don't want me close enough to actually hear everything they say, but I guess the magic of the day inspired a little neediness in them that I didn't mind at all. So the rest of the afternoon passed without any incidents between the kids, hooray! Unfortunately the next magical creature type of day doesn't come until Easter, so I think I will have to just come up with some of my own for the next couple weeks of Spring Break, on the days when I have a houseful of girls on the verge of playing odd man out with somebody. Something like the little known toilet paper fairy - watch out, just when you're sure you have lots, and right when you really need some, suddenly it all disappears. And there's no one around to hear your cries for help...Or the knot fairy, you know, the one who messes up your hair at night while you sleep, causing your mother to have to spend an excruciating amount of time trying to get the knots out of your hair. Bet we could spend some time building, setting, and monitoring some traps for those wicked little creatures.
It's good to have a game plan. :)

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